Thursday 13 October 2011

no economic problems since i started it...

Hi Friend.
my mind has been racing now I can spend my paychecks however I choose now I make my own luck think about trying it
talk to you soon

Monday 10 October 2011

This Kit changed all my life...

I had reached the end of the line this would really interest you im headed straight to the top dont hesitate trying this out
talk to you soon.

Saturday 8 October 2011

3D Goh Xuan Ying (12)


A gift pack+money made by others.

After the completion of my classes’ service learning, I am filled with somewhat a sense of achievement,

but, for some reason, it isn’t particularly fulfilling as well. It has certainly changed my view towards

the needy within our society, especially how donations contribute to their welfare and security (provided

by the VWOs); yet, because of the triviality of our task, community service comes across to me as

a menial job anyone can perform. Wrapping food into packages and selling them at school (in our own comfort

zone!) just didn’t make the cut, as it was neither a challenging nor unique experience for me. Sadly, to say, it was our fault

(me included) for choosing such a task for our service learning. But, all is not lost, as this activity has inspired to

continue to pursue community work, and hopefully, I will truly be able appreciate the true meaning of “service to

our society” sometime in the future!


Something that stood out for me as the best experience in our service learning was the generosity and willingness of everyone in

the school (even the canteen stall owners!) to fork out money and pay for the gift packs, and consequently, the needy people

who require money to make ends meet. I am touched by their kindness and determination, and it certainly gives me hope

that deep down inside, everyone has a heart of gold. As for the worst experience? When we found out there were still full boxes

of gift packs not sold(which ended up in our stomachs)!


In the future, I can definitely see myself involved in giving to the community, probably as a part time worker. My experience has taught

me that, as citizens, we should try our best to give a helping hand to those that cannot survive on their own, and work towards

equality for all. Thus, I should be more than willing to participate in charitable work, be it donating money or actually going down

to VWOs as a volunteer. Just please, don’t make me work with children!